Mon-Thurs: 10am-8pm • Fri-Sat: 10am-5pm • Sun: Closed


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Rental FAQs

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Our prices are one of the most affordable in the Chicagoland area. Rentals begin at only $24/month and increase depending on which instrument you decide to rent. You can view and download a copy of our rental pricing sheet here.
Depending on the school, we will deliver the instrument to the school on the first day of band or orchestra. You’re also more than welcome to complete a rental contract and pick up your rental at our store. Shipping options are available as well.
As long as your rental payments are current, you’re covered for theft, fire, and any damage to the instrument. In the event of theft, a police report is required. This coverage is FREE!
You can easily reserve an instrument by coming into the store, calling us, or registering online. We cannot reserve an instrument until the full payment is received. To ensure that students begin on the first day, we encourage you to contact us sooner rather than later and reserve your instrument so it’s ready on the first day of class. Your 2-month period will not start until your pickup or delivery date.
You’re more than welcome to return your rental at any time by either visiting us in store or leaving the instrument with the band/orchestra director if we service your student’s school. Upon returning your instrument, you will not be responsible for any further payments. Additionally, any equity built up towards the purchase of an instrument will cease.

*REMINDER* The first 4 months' payment of the rental are non-refundable upon return and payments do not stop until we have the instrument back at our location.

Yes!! We do encourage you check with your director first. There is no charge for switching instruments in the same category (Band vs. Orchestra). The only thing you pay would be the difference in rental charges. There is also no charge or rental rate increase with orchestra instrument upsizing.
This depends on if you’re renting a band or orchestra instrument.

Band: With our New Rent-to Own Program, ALL of your band rental payments go toward the purchase of your current instrument. If you choose to purchase before the terms end, we will take 25% off your remaining balance.

Orchestra: You will receive a brand new, full-size instrument when you decide to purchase by using all rental payments made (up to 40% List Price) of the instrument.

You’re not required to return your rental instrument for the summer. If you do, please keep in mind that any equity you’ve built up towards the purchase of an instrument will expire. We strongly encourage students to take lessons over the summer to better prepare them for the next school year.

Lesson FAQs

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Sign Up Today - One simple click at the bottom of our Lessons page. You choose your teacher, lesson time slot and complete your registration with No Fees involved.
Lessons are typically 30 minutes long, once a week. Some teachers offer extended lesson times.
The cost per lesson is created by each teacher and ranges from $25 - $35. Teachers take payment directly and should be paid on a monthly basis.
You can request a lesson by contacting our lesson coordinator at and we’ll follow up with you.
Yes! Some of the teachers at PM Music Center have the option to teach virtually for those that wish to stay at home. You can find this information when you choose your time slot on our registration page.
We currently offer lessons for band and orchestra instruments, piano, guitar/ukulele, and vocal.
Absolutely! On top of our interviewing and qualifications process, we perform a full background check on all teachers & employees here at PM Music Center.
Just speak with or contact your teacher directly. Once you register you will have direct contact information with your instructor.
After signing up for virtual lessons, the teacher will reach out to you about what platform would work best. Please make sure you have a quiet room, a webcam, and mic to work with.

Warranty FAQs

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Any NEW student model, intermediate, or professional level instrument purchase comes with an automatic one-year PM repair warranty. Instruments purchased elsewhere may be eligible for a warranty depending on condition and make/model determined by one of our technicians after repairs are completed.
You’ll be given one free, basic cleaning a year completed by one of our expert technicians. Any repairs are also covered for the duration of the warranty. Parts and irreparable damage are the only items NOT included with your warranty. Orchestra instrument warranties DO NOT cover the cost of strings or bow rehairs, but the labor cost is completely free.
Warranties expire after one year after the date of purchase.
You will be notified via mail when your warranty is soon to expire. At that time, you may choose to call or visit our store to pay the amount to renew your warranty.
A comprehensive list of warranty pricing for both band and orchestra instruments is available by contacting our Communications Center at 630.978.9927.

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